Insurance4insulinpumps – Our story

Our Insulin Pump Insurance Story

In 2011, my daughter Kate, with Type 1 diabetes, was moved to insulin pump therapy and was provided with an Insulin pump by the NHS. We were advised by the NHS Diabetic Specialist Nurse and the manufacturers’ representative to have the pump insured for accidental damage and theft (pump manufacturers provide warranty protection for pump failure/malfunction only). We were told that if the pump was damaged or stolen then the NHS would not fund a replacement, and this would be at my expense. So, where to go to get it insured? The recommendation was to simply include the pump as a named item on my home contents insurance. Not so simple...

Why should I insure my insulin pump with you?

  • Insulin pump is covered up to the value of £5,000
  • Loss, theft & accidental damage to the pump
  • Adults & children can be covered immediately
  • There is no excess to pay on your claim
  • CGM and/or Handset automatically covered
  • We start the claim assessment within one working day

  • Plus...
  • Insulin pump is covered when travelling abroad
  • Loan insulin pump automatically covered
  • Replacement pumps are ordered directly from the manufacturer
  • 24/7 online claim registration
  • UK based specialist claims team

Our Insulin Pump Insurance Features

The UK's first dedicated insulin pump insurance for your peace of mind

Comprehensive Cover

Our policy not only includes cover for theft and accidental damage, we also cover loss of your pump, handset and even your CGM.

Adults & Children Covered

Our cover protects adults and children and we have no age restrictions.

Fast Claim Handling

All claims are assessed the same business day we receive them. We have purchasing agreements with all of the major manufacturers so we can quickly authorise a replacement pump to be sent immediatley to you.

No Excess

We do not charge an excess if you make a claim.

Loan Pumps

Pump manufacturers may lend you a pump if you are away on holiday or business as long as you insure their pump. We automatically cover loan pumps at no extra cost if your main pump is insured with us.

Going Abroad

We cover your insulin pump automatically for up to 90 days worldwide in any 12 month period. You don't need to tell us you are going abroad.

Instant Cover

Purchase instant cover online and be covered straight away. You'll need the serial number and make and model of your pump.

Easy Monthly Payments

We collect premiums by Direct Debit to ensure your pump is always covered as long as you continue to pay the premiums. You can cancel at any time.

UK Claims Handling 24/7

Our claims handlers are specialists based in the UK and deal directly with all the manufacturers providing pumps to the NHS. You can claim online 24/7.

Highly Experienced

Combined, our team has over 69 years’ experience managing insurance and claims for insulin pumps.

Policy Queries

You should carefully review the policy documents to make sure the policy suits your need. You can always call or email us if you have any questions.

CGM / Handset Included

CGM, Handset, Sensors that come with the pump are automatically covered.